About Us
We meet at 15 Abbey Place, Jedburgh in the lane across from Abbey View Cafe and behind Stewart's Bistro. Watch for The Jed Shed hand-painted sign above our door.
Our men sessions are held on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons between 1pm and 4pm with the women sessions on Monday and Thursday from 1pm to 4pm Attending member fees are £2/week.
We have a fully equipped workshop on the first floor with tools which have mostly been donated by the local community and a social area on the lower floor for the obligatory cuppa.
The Jed Shed was created in 2014 by Trevor Gallon with the assistance of Age Scotland. We first got together as a small group of men from a variety of different backgrounds wishing to take part in various DIY projects and hobbies. The sharing of our skills and ideas together with the camaraderie and company of similar like-minded folk, has created an atmosphere in which we help and motivate each other.
The Jed Shed is aimed mainly towards men and women who have some spare time on their hands and wish to keep themselves motivated and busy.
There are huge health benefits in taking part in this type of activity for those who are retired, or between jobs right now or perhaps those who have taken early retirement and are wanting to keep themselves focused.
Whatever your reason, if you think you would like to come along and join us, you are more than welcome. See the place, meet the rest of the 'Shedders' and have a cuppa, then decide whether it is for you.
Why not pop along on one of these afternoon sessions and see us for yourself or contact us via email (under "More" tab above), leave a message and we will get back to you.
The Jed Shed is a registered charity (SCIO) No SCO46349.